Wednesday 17 September 2014


Men are like Bluetooth.
He is connected to you when you are nearby,
but searches for other devices when you are away.

Women are like Wi-fi.
She sees all available devices,
but connects to the strongest one.

* Never be too distanced from your man for any reason.

* Be the best among the rest for your woman to connect with you.

Adieu Papa

The Brave Lion has be deprived the pride of His bride in the jungle of life.
The Mighty Tree has been hewed down by the dreaded wind of death.

Night has swallowed morning in the broad day light.
Darkness has hollowed light in the noon day harshness.

The white sheep of the family has been stained by the dirt of death.
The Papa of the house has been poisoned by the serpent of death.

The Mighty Elephant has fallen at the might of death.
The Father Whale has left the shores of life to the sore land beyond.

The journey of life has been shortened by the castle of death.
The Burden Bearer has been denied his load by the rabble of death.

I know it is a journey of no return,
but live well with the glorious beings.
When you get to the road full of loads,
Salute the dwellers of the road and there drop your load.

The heat of the one who brought me into this world, and made me who l am.
Your thought will forever remain green in my memory.

Oh! Death!
Is it because you have no Pride (father) that you deprived me of my Pride?
Tell me.
Is it because you have no Bride that you denied father the Pride of his Bride?

Oh! Father!
Will you ever come back to enjoy the Pride of your Bride?

Saturday 13 September 2014

10 Relationship Tips

Every woman wants her husband/man to be loving, caring, faithful and remain with them forever.
But there are certain rules that must be obeyed to make it a reality.

1. Always look beautiful and
- It makes him place a high value on you.

2. Be diligent and always make
sure the house is tidy.
- It makes him see you as a home maker.

3. Cook delicious meals for him at
all times and always include his
favorite food.
- It makes him never to eat outside because he is proud of your food.

4. Give him good sex and
- It makes him never to look outside but always inside.

5. Always pray for him.
- It makes him feel cared for by you.

6. Be humble and Submissive.
- It makes him overlook your short comings.

7. Avoid quarreling with him
and if there is any form of quarrel,
always settle it before the next day.
- It makes him see the humility inside of you.

8. You must be able to ENDURE.
A woman that cannot endure will
never last in a man's house.
- It makes him never to hurt your feelings.

9. Love his family members like
your own family.
- It makes him love you more than ever.

10. Always contribute to the
development of the family and your personal household.
- It makes him see you as a home builder and not a home destroyer.

Friday 12 September 2014

A Mothers Bond

A Mother
s Bond as precious as an emerald's best,
Shines like a diamond pure and crystal fresh,
Her bond shelters the fragility of her children's flesh.
Gracious is the pride of her motherhood blessed,
As she feeds her children with the milk from her breast,
Her love ensures the gentility of her children's rest.

Courageous her womb that carried her children's breathe,
Sagacious the time she spent to nurture them best,
Her arms provides them the safest place in the world's length.
Brave the strength she had to put to birth,
Relief the sigh she had as she brought forth,
Her arms the joy of carrying them felt.

A Mother's Children are her hope, she protects them with great strength,
They are her reason for living, she defends them with such might,
Her bond prevents them their chances of poor health.
Having them around, gives her reason to live,
Seeing them strong, gives her a sigh of relief,
Her love showered on them feels no grief.

Happiness, radiates her face with smile,
Joy, motivates her to go extra-mile,
Her bond immeasurable keeps them to her side.
A mother's love knows neither small nor great,
From her children she derives her strength,
Her arms lights their darkness at night.

To rest her head, she have no regrets,
Having trained her children to her great taste,
Gracious is the pride of her motherhood blessed.
She dies a fulfilled and a happy death,
Having enjoyed the fruits of her labor at last,
A Mothers Bond is as precious as an emerald's best.

Relationship Tips

Every woman wants her husband/man to be loving, caring, faithful and remain with them forever. But there are certain rules that must be obeyed to make it a reality.



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